3 Valentine's Day DIY's for American Girl Dolls

 Hello how is it going friends so today I am going to be sharing with you 3 Valentine's Day themed DIY's so here they are.

Mini Valentines

What you will need is: 3 diffrent regular sized valentine's day cards or just some pink and red cards, scissors, and a pencil.
Step One: Take a card and trace a small rectangle about the size you want (make sure that the left side of your mini card is on the folded end of the regular card before you cut it out)
Step Two: Cut your card out.
Step Three: Repeat this process if you want more than one card.

Mini Valentine's Day Box

What you will need is: a empty crayon box, some old Valentine's Day cards or colored paper, tape or glue, a ruler, and some scissors, 
Step One: Take your crayon box and cut the top flap off.
Step Two: Tape all other ends of the box shut.
Step Three: Measure the length and width of all the sides of the box.
Step Four: Cut the cards or colored paper matching the length and width for each side of the box except for the top, and tape them onto the box.
Step Five: Cut a piece of colored paper matching the measurements of the top, then cut a slit in the middle of the paper for the cards to go in and lastly tape it onto the top of the box.

Mini Valentine's Day Jar

What you will need is: a small paint container, some permanent  markers or paint, glue, and a jewel or bead.
Step One: Grab the container, take off the lid and paint or draw a pattern on the container (I drew hearts beacause obviously Valentine's Day hearts you get the idea) 
Step Two: Take the lid of the container and glue on your bead or jewel.

Alright those are all the DIY's for today. Let me know which one is your favorite and if you did some of these. 


  1. These are great and very creative re-use of materials. Your directions are so clear even I can follow them.


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