Spring is Here! - Photoshoot


Hello everyone! So I know it's been spring for over a month now, but here where I live almost all of our snow just melted and it was nice enough outside for me to take some photos of Sam and Nellie :) So yeah, I hope you enjoy ❤

I tried a new filter with my editing app and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Let me know what you think?

That's all the photos I took today. I know it's not as many as I usually do but they kept falling over and I was getting frustrated 😅 I hope you guys enjoyed this photoshoot :) Let me know what photo is your favorite? Bye!

What Photo Was Your Favorite?


  1. These are so cute. I love all of them.

  2. Those are amazing but #3 is my fav. Was the new filter for pic #4 only? If so I don't care for that style but I'm old you know.

    1. Thanks Blog Dad ❤️ And yes the new filter is for #4

  3. I love them all! I don't mind the filter either.

  4. These were so cute! The last two are my favorites!

    1. Thanks Annabelle 💕 I'm glad you liked them 🥰


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