Happy Thanksgiving!


Hello everybody! Happy Thanksgiving from Hailey's Joyful Dolls <3 (If you live in the United States and celebrate this holiday) if not, Happy Thursday! I hope you guys are having an amazing day :) I had a lot of fun editing and taking the picture above. Also! A little tip for you all if you're having trouble taking a good group/family picture with your dolls (as I was that day) I find it very helpful to experiment with different poses! I'm sure we all know that sometimes if all the dolls are staring at the camera, it tends to give off this lifeless look. So! having them in different sitting positions, hand gestures, looking at each other, holding something etc. Makes a huge difference! You can thank me later ;) 
Anyway, What did you guys do this year for Thanksgiving? I'm always excited to learn about what people's holiday traditions are 😊
And before I forget! After today the Christmas festivities will be begin <33 So get ready, because I go Christmas crazy 😅 Sorry, Christmas season just makes me so happy!!!
Have a great rest of your day! Love ya 🥰

What Are Some Of Your Favorite Holiday Traditions?

What Did You Do This Thanksgiving?

Are You Excited For Christmas? 

(and if you don't celebrate Christmas, are you excited for your holiday?)


  1. Oh my GOODNESS, I looooove love love this photo! It looks so perfectly fall and I love all your dolls' poses and their hairstyles! Nellie is also rocking those overalls!

    1. Aww thank you so much Madi 🥰❤️ That means the world to me! I'm so glad you like it 😊


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