Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas - Lyrical Photoshoot


Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well :) Can you believe it's almost two weeks till Christmas? That's absolutely insane! December has flown by, really quick. I'm going to miss the holiday season, but for now, I have a really fun post for you guys.

I was heavily inspired by the classic American Girl movies and how they would celebrate Christmas (as I mentioned in my last post) and I was also inspired by Pentatonix 'Mary Did You Know' music video. All the romantic candlelight seemed like such a good idea. And I think I got some pretty good shots, but my gosh! It was so windy outside the night I decided to take them (of course) and so it was very chaotic, but still fun non the less!

 As per usual I decided to pick a Christmas song to put along with the pictures. Last time, I did more of a modern version of a traditional Christmas song. But this time I decided to do more of a classic song, since it seems to suit this photoshoot best, in my opinion. And it's one of my favorite Christmas songs, as the title says, I chose Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas.

Here's the YouTube song link, in case you wanted to listen while you take a look at the pictures 😉
I Included the Frank Sintra version because it's probably my favorite one, but feel free to pick whichever you would like :) I hope you enjoy!

Have yourself a merry little Christmas

Let your heart be light.

From now on, our troubles will be out of sight.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
(Merry little Christmas)

Make the yuletide gay.
(Make the yuletide gay)

From now on, our troubles will be miles away.
Here we are as in olden days.

Happy golden days of yore

Faithful friends who are dear to us

Gather near to us once more.

Through the years we all will be together

If the fates allow

Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.

And have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

(Here we are as in olden days.)

(Happy golden days of yore)

(Faithful friends who are dear to us)

(Gather near to us once more)

Through the years we all will be together

If the fates allow

Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.

And have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

(Merry Christmas,)

(Merry Christmas...)

I hope you guys enjoyed today's post! And that you're having a magical holiday season, not matter what you're celebrating <3 Let me know down below which photo is your favorite. Next post will most likely be my annual blogoversary, which is on the 20th. So, you guys have that to look forward to!
And with that...

"Merry Christmas to All and to All, a Goodnight!"

Which Photo/Photos Is Your Favorite?
What's Your Favorite Christmas Song?
How Has Your December Been So Far?
What's Your Favorite Christmas/Holiday Movie?
What Are Some Of Your Favorite Holiday Traditions?


  1. You really pulled off the candlelight, it looks amazing! I feel like I was literally just listening to this song earlier! 🤣 Also, I just heard a Christmas song today about the Kool-Aid man. 🤣 Definitely fighting the urge to do a lyrical photoshoot with it now. 🤣

    1. Aw thank you ❤️ And that song sounds hilariously amazing! I would definitely read that post, if you decide to make it 😄


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