Retro Sights - A Photoshoot


Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a great Saturday, so far <3

Now, continuing an ongoing theme here, I'm posting some pictures from a little while back. These specifically I took back in March, I believe. I was mainly inspired by 1960s and 1970s modeling for this photoshoot. And I just so happened to have this 70s Barbie case, and some retro Barbie outfits that fit that theme perfectly! 

I actually have an awful lot of old Barbie sets, clothes, dolls, etc. that I've obtained over the years. I thought about doing a whole post dedicated to just that, assuming that would be something you guys would be interested in seeing.

I was going to shoot some new pictures for this week's post, but when I saw these in my files, I got very inspired. Mainly because I've been rewatching an old favorite of mine on YouTube called Escape the Night (which are now soon to be releasing a short movie) and I was specifically watching season 3 (my favorite season) which is themed after the 70s. So... it made me excited to edit and publish the pictures ;)

Now, with all that being said, enjoy the photoshoot!

And all I got! I know it was a short photoshoot, but I hope you guys enjoyed it, none the less :)

With that being said, I hope you have an amazing rest of your day and your entire weekend, and I'll see you later!

I love you all so very much 💕

Have You Ever Watched Escape The Night?

What Did You Think Of This Week's Photoshoot?

Would You Like To See A Blog Post About My Retro Barbie Stuff?

What Picture Was Your Favorite?


  1. GIRL. YOU CAPTURED THE 1970s AESTHETIC PERFECTLY. These photos are amazing! I love Barbie, so I would totally love to see a post about your retro Barbie stuff! I'll be tempted to do a post about my Barbie stuff if you do one about yours!

    1. Aw, thank you so much! 💕 You're so sweet! I'm glad you like the idea of more Barbie posts, I would certainly love to see you do a post on yours, as well 😉
      P.S. I'm pretty sure I replied to your comment before, but it seems that it got deleted somehow. Better late than never, I guess!

  2. Lovely photoshoot! I totally got the 70s vibes in them. 😉 My favourites are 4 and 6.
    I've never heard of Escape the Night before. What is it about?

    1. Thank you, Hividah! 💕 I'm so glad you liked it 😊
      Escape the Night is a sort of fantasy, murder mystery show. But it is only semi scripted and it has YouTubers as the main cast, so it almost has a reality TV show feel to it. Which, normally, I'm not exactly a fan of, but this one is very adventurous and exciting. And each season has a different theme; season 1 was 1920s, season 2 was Victorian fantasy, season 3 was 1970s, etc. Overall, I thought it was a pretty good show! And I would recommend it!

    2. Sounds entertaining! I'll make sure to check it out at some point 😉

  3. OOoh, the aesthetic of these photos is so cool! I love 1970s/80s aesthetics. I've never heard of Escape the Night before, but it sounds pretty cool and I might have to check it out sometime!

    1. Thank you so very much, Diamond! 💕 I'm so happy that you like it! 😊


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