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Retro Sights - A Photoshoot

  Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a great Saturday, so far <3 Now, continuing an ongoing theme here, I'm posting some pictures from a little while back. These specifically I took back in March, I believe. I was mainly inspired by 1960s and 1970s modeling for this photoshoot. And I just so happened to have this 70s Barbie case, and some retro Barbie outfits that fit that theme perfectly!  I actually have an awful lot of old Barbie sets, clothes, dolls, etc. that I've obtained over the years. I thought about doing a whole post dedicated to just that, assuming that would be something you guys would be interested in seeing. I was going to shoot some new pictures for this week's post, but when I saw these in my files, I got very inspired. Mainly because I've been rewatching an old favorite of mine on YouTube called Escape the Night (which are now soon to be releasing a short movie) and I was specifically watching season 3 (my favorite season) which is themed aft

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